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Cykl wykładów

W dniach 7-14 maja będziemy gościli na Wydziale Rolnictwa i Biologii SGGW prof. Petara Knezevica z Uniwersytetu w Nowym Sadzie. Prof Knezevic przyjeżdza w ramach programu Erasmus Staff Teaching Mobility i będzie miał cykl wykładów w języku angielskim dotyczących biologii i zastosowań bakteriofagów. Prof. Knezevic jest wybitnym specjalistą z zakresu biologii i wykorzystania bakteriofagów, członkiem ICTV (International Committee for Virus Taxonomy). Planowane terminy wykładów prof.

Knezevica to:

1) wtorek 8 maja, godz 16:00-19:00, budynek 37, sala 3/19 (III piętro)

2) czwartek 10 maja, godz 13:00-16:00, budynek 37, sala 3/6 (III piętro)

Tematy wykładów w ramach cyklu:


1. Bacteriophages of family Inoviridae

The purpose of the lecture is to introduce phages of family Inoviridae:

their specific structure, genome organization, proteins, physic-chemical characteristics, replication, biology, current taxonomy, relations to other taxa and application. Prof. Petar Knezevic is a chair of study group of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) for the family Inoviridae.


2. Phage as anti-bacterial agents

Through the lecture, the experience of phage application in bacterial growth control will be presented. Both in vitro and in vivo experiences will be presented. The basic postulates, advantages and disadvantages of phage therapy will be presented. The particular attention will be paid on phage application in animal and human therapy, but also in the other fields.


3. Phage and biofilm interaction

The purpose of the lecture is to familiarize students with the phenomenon of bacterial attached growth on surface, i.e. with bacterial biofilms, their importance, as well as possibilities of removal. One of the solutions is phage application, thus the lecture will focus on biofilm and bacteriophage interactions.


4. Phage-antibiotic synergism

The lecture is about bacteriophage and antibiotic synergy. The particular attention will be paid on combination of phages from ordo Caudovirales and conventional antibiotic, as well as on proposed mechanisms of the synergy phenomenon.


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