Communications in Biometry and Crop Science

in Biometry and Crop Science




Evaluation of yield response of second early edible potato cultivars to spatial environmental conditions

Katarzyna Rymuza, Tomasz Lenartowicz, Elżbieta Radzka, Antoni Bombik

Commun. Biometry Crop Sci. (2015) 10 (1), 27-40.

Analyses were performed on a tuber yield dataset consisting of yield data for 14 second early edible potato cultivars, obtained from a series of multi-year (2010-2013), multi-location PDO (post-registration variety testing) experiments. The trials were conducted at 6 experimental stations at the Research Centre for Cultivar Testing (COBORU) in Słupia Wielka (Poland). The objective of this work was to evaluate the response of potato cultivars to diverse environmental conditions in Poland, taking into account total precipitation and mean air temperature during the growing season. The analyses demonstrated that there was a significant interaction between cultivars and years as well as between cultivars, years, and locations. On the contrary, the 'cultivar x location' interaction was not significant. The structures of both the significant interactions were analysed using mixed multidimensional and joint regression models. The cultivars Ametyst and Bogatka did not interact with the environment, but only the first cultivar was considered stable. All the remaining cultivars significantly interacted with the environment, in particular Finezja and Oberon, which responded significantly to environmental conditions during the growing season.

Key Words: genotype-by-environment interaction; multi-environment experiments; yield stability; potato cultivar.