• projektowania starterów do łańcuchowej reakcji polimeryzacji (PCR)
  • klonowania genów, przygotowywanie DNA do sekwencjonowania, analiza wyników sekwencjonowania
  • tworzenie konstruktów genetycznych do transformacji roślin
  • transformacja roślin
  • analizy molekularne organizmów genetycznie zmodyfikowanych

osoba do kontaktu: dr Edyta Zdunek-Zastocka


Publikacje z tego zakresu:

  • A Grabowska, A Wisniewska, N Tagashira, S Malepszy, M Filipecki. Characterization of CsSEF1 gene encoding putative CCCH-type zinc finger protein expressed during cucumber somatic embryogenesis. J Plant Physiol. 2009;166(3):310-23. doi: 10.1016/j.jplph.2008.06.005
  • A Grabowska, M Nowicki, J Kwinta. Glutamate dehydrogenase of the germinating triticale seeds: gene expression, activity distribution and kinetic characteristics. Acta Physiol Plant 2011 33:1981–1990. DOI 10.1007/s11738-011-0801-1
  • U Szawłowska, A Grabowska, E Zdunek-Zastocka, W Bielawski. TsPAP1 encodes a novel plant prolyl aminopeptidase whose expression is induced in response to suboptimal growth conditions. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2012; 419(1):104-9. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2012.01.140
  • A Wiśniewska, A Grabowska, A Pietraszewska-Bogiel, N Tagashira, ...Identification of genes up-regulated during somatic embryogenesis of cucumber. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry Plant Physiol Biochem. 2012 50(1):54-64. doi: 10.1016/j.plaphy.2011.09.017.
  • S Orzechowski, A Grabowska, D Sitnicka, J Siminska, M Felus, ...Analysis of the expression, subcellular and tissue localisation of phosphoglucan, water dikinase (PWD/GWD3) in Solanum tuberosum L.: a bioinformatics approach for the comparative analysis of two α-glucan, water dikinases (GWDs) from Solanum tuberosum. Acta Physiol Plant 2013 35:483–500. DOI 10.1007/s11738-012-1091-y
  • A Grabowska, J Kwinta J, W Bielawski. Glutamine synthetase and glutamate dehydrogenase in triticale seeds: molecular cloning and genes expression. Acta Physiol Plant 2012 34:2393-2406.
  • B Prabucka, A Drzymała, A Grabowska. Molecular cloning and expression analysis of the main gliadin-degrading cysteine endopeptidase EP8 from triticale. Journal of Cereal Science 2013 58 (2), 284-289
  • A Grabowska, M Filipecki. Infiltration with Agrobacterium—the method for stable transformation avoiding tissue culture. Acta Physiol Plant 2004 26:451-459
  • Zdunek-Zastocka E., SobczakM. (2013) Expression of Pisum sativum PsAO3 gene, which encodes an aldehyde oxidase utilizing abscisic aldehyde, is induced under progressively but not rapidly imposed drought stress. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 71, 57–66.
  • Zdunek-Zastocka E. (2010) The activity pattern and gene expression profile of aldehyde oxidase during the development of Pisum sativum seeds. Plant Science 179, 543-548.
  • Zdunek-Zastocka E. (2008) Molecular cloning, characterization and expression analysis of three aldehyde oxidase genes from Pisum sativum L. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 46, 2008, 19-28.
  • Fidler J., Zdunek-Zastocka E, Prabucka B, Bielawski W. 2016. Abscisic acid content and the expression of genes related to its metabolism during maturation of triticale grains of cultivars differingin pre-harvest sprouting susceptibility. Journal of Plant Physiology 207, 1–9.
  • Szewińska J., Zdunek-Zastocka E., Pojmaj M., Bielawski W. (2012) Molecular cloning and expression analysis of triticale phytocystatins during development and germination of seeds. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter 30, 867–877.